
Traditionally, the least-squares method is applied to separate the highly radioactive zones of gamma-rayspectrometric maps in order to find the normal radioactive background of the host rocks. In the presentstudy, the regional background of gamma-ray spectrometric data was calculated by using the medianinstead of least-squares method which is based on the mean. The obtained least-squares do not properly fitdue to the strong effect of the few outlier data points that are extremely high or low. The median is lessaffected by outliers and skewed data. If we reject these anomalous zones data, the proper fitting takes place.This study deals with using the median as a more suitable measure of central tendency for data classified onan ordinal scale. The mean is not suitable when the data include exceptionally high or low values becausethese have great influence on the outcome. The median was applied to the gamma-ray spectrometric (TotalCount) survey data of El-Missikkat-Gidami area to separate the radioactive anomalous zones from thenormal radiation of the host rocks.

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