
In addition to specific ligand binding elements, receptor assembly for interleukin(IL)-6, oncostatin-M, leukaemia inhibitory factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor and IL-11 includes an additional unit, gp130. This molecule is a transmembrane glycoprotein of 130 kDa. In this paper, reviewing molecular, biochemical and functional data on gp130, we describe the dissimilar action of IL-3 on the expression of the binding unit of the IL-6 receptor and that of gp130. According to FACS studies, resting basophils express only IL-6 receptors and no gp130 molecules on the plasma membranes. After incubation with IL-3, the surface appearance and de novo transcription of gp130 was shown by FACS and mRNA polymerase chain reaction analysis.

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