
This article makes an attempt to describe the peculiarities of regulation of urban development decisions and management in the sphere of urban development, as well as determine contradictory mechanisms of protection of the rights of landholders through restitution for damages in terms of modification of a number of urban development documents. The subject of this article is the theoretical and legal grounds of the activity of prosecutorial authorities in supervising the execution of laws in the sphere of urban development. The object of this research is the legal relations established in the process of organization and realization of prosecutorial supervision in the indicated sphere. The goal consists in the analysis of correspondence of legislation in the sphere of urban development based on the existing theoretical provisions of organization and realization of prosecutorial supervision. The author used the method of analysis of the documents and official materials, determination of peculiarities in the area of land management and urban development, taking into account normative regulation of the documents of land use planning. The scientific novelty consists in the proposed formulation of substantiated recommendations on the unified legislative regulation of the questions of restitution for damages to landholders as one of the mechanism of protection of rights of the proprietors in terms of modification of a number of urban development documents. It is underlined that the prosecutors should account the shortcoming made by the authorities of urban development administration in implementation of the functions on elaboration of the documents of land use planning. The author gives recommendations to the prosecutors that can be applied in evaluating the lawfulness of such documents. In conclusion it is noted that despite the dynamic development of Russian legislation, there is currently no effective means for protection of rights of the landholders in terms of modification of the documents of urban development zoning, which acknowledges the need for further improvement of legislation in this sphere.

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