
An analysis of certain aspects of the organizational and legal provision of management activities of public administration bodies in war and post-war conditions was carried out, and possible ways of their solution were proposed based on the analysis of modern achievements of administrative and legal science. Attention is focused on the problem of the interaction of military and military-civilian administrations, local self-government bodies, the delimitation of their competence for the introduction and implementation of measures of the legal regime of martial law in the context of the draft Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving the Powers of Local Self-Government Bodies and Their Officials persons during the period of martial law» No. 8056. The opinion is supported regarding the need to create a body that would ensure the transfer of Ukraine’s economy to military «rails» – the Military-Industrial Commission headed by the Supreme Commander, the first deputy in the person of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and a deputy who would take care of the entire economic sphere, including the military industry. The primary task of such a Commission should be the approval and implementation of the State Strategy for the Development of the Military Industry, of which the state missile program and the drone program could become important components. Draft laws aimed at expanding exceptions from the scope of the Law of Ukraine «On Administrative Procedure» are analyzed. The opinion is substantiated that efforts to exclude from the scope of the Law of Ukraine «On Administrative Procedure» certain spheres traditional for public administration – the administration of taxes, fees and other payments in accordance with the legislation, the control of compliance with which is entrusted to tax authorities; implementation of state financial control; cases on the granting of permits and conclusions on concerted actions, the concentration of business entities – can undermine the integrity and effectiveness of administrativeprocedural legislation, as well as call into question its role in regulating relations between public administration bodies and natural and legal entities. Attention is focused on the actual incompleteness of the administrative-territorial reform, which threatens the growth of institutional disproportions in the relationship between state authorities and local self-government bodies of different levels in Ukraine; unresolved issues of the distribution of management functions between state authorities, local self-government bodies and civil society institutions regarding their exercise of powers in the field of public administration in wartime conditions. Key words: public administration bodies, organizational and legal support, management activity, legal regime of martial law.

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