
Reading books is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress. In today's digital era, access to finding and buying books is getting easier, so reader reviews are important in choosing books that match interests. However, with a large number of reviews, Natural Language Processing (NLP) with the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method is used to help analyze positive and negative sentiments from many book reviews. This sentiment analysis is useful for readers to evaluate the quality of books, as well as for authors and sellers to find out the opinions of readers and improve the quality of their work. In this study, the book review dataset "Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers" from the Goodreads website is used, which is then divided into training data and validation data with a ratio of 75%: 25%. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method is used to analyze the sentiment of the reviews. The model architecture built consists of Embedding Layer, LSTM Layer with 128 neuron units, 3 Dense Layer with ReLU activation function, 3 Dropout Layer, and Fully Connected Layer with and Sigmoid activation function, Binary Cross Entropy loss function, and RMSprop optimizer. The model training process was conducted with 30 epochs. The evaluation results show that the model achieved an accuracy of 90%, indicating the model performs relatively well in correctly classifying positive sentiments.

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