
Gojek is one of Indonesia's most popular online transportation, founded in 2010. The Gojek application has been downloaded one hundred forty-two million times with more than two million drivers and four hundred thousand partners in food delivery services. Due to the increasing use of the Gojek application and the importance of knowing user views about the services provided by the application. In this research, the sentiment analysis is using Support Vector Machine and the Naïve Bayes method to classify positive sentiment and negative sentiment. The target label focus on positive and negative labels to aims avoid the bias that exists in neutrally labeled reviews on the Gojek Application. The research process includes data collection, pre-processing the data, weighting with Term Frequency-Invers Document Frequency, Support Vector Machine, and Naïve Bayes training by dividing the data into 90% training data and 10% testing data and then evaluating the results using a confusion matrix. The results of testing using the Support Vector Machine algorithm resulted in 90% accuracy, 94% recall, 91% precision, and 94% f1-score, therefore the Naïve Bayes algorithm produces 77% accuracy, 96% recall, 77% precision, and 85% f1-score.

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