
Aims: Bakpia is a snack made from a mixture of mung beans and sugar wrapped in pastry and baked. Bakpia is a popular light snack consumed by the Indonesian community. This research aims to determine the shelf life of seaweed-filled bakpia and regular bakpia using the Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) method.
 Place and Duration: The study was conducted at the Chemistry Laboratory of Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture and the Chemistry Laboratory of Makassar Ministry of Labaoratory Industry from February to May 2023.
 Study Design: The research design involved using the ASLT method to analyze the minimum quality limit at which the bakpia cookies product starts to be rejected by consumers. Samples of the product were obtained from a local mini-market that sells bakpia. The parameters observed were the initial and final moisture content during storage at 15°C, 30°C, and 45°C, as well as the texture before and after the bakpia cookies product was rejected by consumers.
 Results: Estimating the shelf life of seaweed bakpia tausa and bakpia tausa using the ASLT method can use a degradation reaction approach (absorption of water content) as a critical parameter. The kinetic reactions of degradation (absorption of water content) of seaweed bakpia tausa and bakpia tausa follow the first order reaction. The shelf life of seaweed bakpia tausa and bakpia tausa uses the ASLT method through a different approach to the critical parameter of water content for each product. At storage temperatures between 15°C and 45°C, the shelf life of bakpia tausa is longer than that of seaweed bakpia tausa. The average shelf life of seaweed bakpia tausar at 30°C is 59.5 days while bakpia lausa is 64.8 days (more than two months).
 Conclutions: The shelf life of seaweed bakpia tausa and bakpia tausa uses the ASLT method through a different approach to the critical parameter of water content for each product. At storage temperatures between 15°C and 45°C, the shelf life of bakpia tausa is longer than that of seaweed bakpia tausa. The average shelf life of seaweed bakpia tausar at 30°C is 59.5 days while bakpia lausa is 64.8 days (more than two months).

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