
AbstractThis study was conducted to investigate sensory perception of Korean traditional fried cookie (Yackwa) by two Korean consumer groups of different age (ages in 20s and ages in 30–40s). The sorted napping procedure was applied to evaluate a set of 12 commercial Yackwa samples. Each subject was asked to locate each sample based on perceived similarities and then group the samples according to her own criteria. Verbalization task for each group of samples was also carried out. Data obtained from the sorted napping test were subjected to hierarchical multiple factor analysis. Both groups differentiated the samples mainly according to textural properties resulting from their manufacturing type. However, the older group located the samples from the same company that produces Yackwa following traditional recipe close to each other even though their types were different, whereas the younger group sorted the samples mainly by the manufacturing type. This difference in perception between two age groups might have resulted from the fact that older consumers recognized the flavor of more traditional products better than the younger group due to more exposure to those products.Practical ApplicationsThis study investigated consumer perception of Yackwa (traditional Korean cookie). It is expected that more consumer‐based characterization, which is explained by their own words, can help researchers to understand what important sensory dimensions are for consumers. In addition, by comparing different consumer groups, this study will provide insight that can help to develop effective strategies for commercializing traditional foods for targeted generations of consumers.

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