
Tactile apparent motion can display directional information in an intuitive way. It can for example be used to give directions to visually impaired individuals, or for waypoint navigation while cycling on busy streets, when vision or audition should not be loaded further. However, although humans can detect very short tactile patterns, discriminating between similar motion speeds has been shown to be difficult. Here we develop and investigate a method where the speed of tactile apparent motion around the user's wrist is coupled with vibration magnitude. This redundant coupling is used to produce tactile patterns from slow&weak to fast&strong. We compared the just noticeable difference (JND) of the coupled and the individual variables. The results show that the perception of the coupled variable can be characterised by JND smaller than JNDs of the individual variables. This allowed us to create short tactile pattens (tactons) for display of direction and speed, which can be distinguished significantly better than tactons based on motion alone. Additionally, most subjects were also able to identify the coupled-variable tactons better than the magnitude-based tactons.

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