
The talk will provide an overview of the sensors, dynamics, and control program, its goals, its funding levels, and its priorities. Specifically, the talk will address topics and research directions that are relevant to the acoustics community at large. Such topics include vibration and noise control, dynamic-based structural health monitoring, wave propagation in complex media, nonlinear dynamics, and acoustic metamaterials. Examples of currently funded projects and ideas for future investigations will be provided to facilitate the discussion. The SDC program supports fundamental research on the analysis, measurement, monitoring, and control of dynamic systems, including development of new analytical, computational and experimental tools, and novel applications to engineered and natural systems. Dynamics is the science of systems that change in time. Control concerns the use of external influences to produce desired dynamic behaviors. Diagnostics concerns the use of observation to infer information about a dynamic system. Objectives of the SDC program are the discovery of new phenomena and the investigation of innovative methods and applications in dynamics, control and diagnostics. The intellectual merit of proposals submitted to the SDC program will be evaluated on the basis of fundamental innovation in foundational areas, on alignment with the core disciplines of the CMMI Division, and on potential for transformative impact within and across disciplinary boundaries.

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