
For multi-microphone speech enhancement, different microphones might have different contributions, assome are even marginal. This is more likely to happen in wireless acoustic sensor networks (WASNs), where somesensors might be distant. In this work, we therefore consider sensor selection for linearly-constrained beamformers. Theproposed sensor selection approach is formulated by minimizing the total output noise power and constraining thenumber of selected sensors. As the considered sensor selection problem requires the relative acoustic transfer function(RTF), the covariance whitening based RTF estimation or a direct-path RTF approximation is exploited. For a singletarget source, we can thus substitute the estimated RTF or the assumed RTF to the original problem formulation in orderto design a minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer. Alternatively, we can integrate the two RTFsto design a linearly constrained minimum variance (LCMV) beamformer in order to alleviate the effects of RTFestimation/approximation errors. By leveraging the superiority of LCMV beamformers, the proposed approach can beapplied to the multi-source case. An evaluation using a simulated large-scale WASN demonstrates that the integration ofRTFs for the sensor selection based LCMV beamformer can be beneficial as opposed to relying on either of theindividual RTF steered sensor selection based MVDR beamformers. We conclude that the sensors that are close to thetarget source(s) and also some around the coherent interferers are more informative.

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