
The cultivation of strawberries in the Loukkos perimeters is subject to constraints inherent to its profitability, which can be categorized as follows: the choice of plant material, profitability and technical supervision in terms of technical itineraries and health supervision. Exactly, these last ten years, we have seen the decline of several varieties of strawberries and their replacement by new varieties?. For farmers, these varieties were the basis for the growth of this crop when it started. We note the difficulty of farmers and especially the small ones to make the choice for each season and to seek technical mastery at the level of both cultivation and health protection since each variety has specific characteristics of the crop. Level, water requirements, fertilization and registered rate of fungicides. Precision agriculture: why, for whom and where to start?. The objective of this work is to propose a new design for the greenhouse that can be managed and controlled automatically and to increase productivity and improve the quality of strawberry fruits by optimizing fertilization. The management and the control of this greenhouse are done because of our new proposed algorithms, and the use of new technologies such as sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and the abstract is a mandatory element that should summarize the contents of the paper and should Internet of things to facilitate the tasks of farmers in the perimeter of Loukous, and to improve the productiveness of the agriculture. We present the the architecture our proposal in a greenhouse during a short period and the changes on the environmental parameters and fertilization.

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