
In 1994, Eastman Kodak Co. (Rochester, N.Y.) marketed EKTASPEED Plus dental film to combine the advantages of the contrast of Ultra-speed film and the speed of Ektaspeed film. EKTASPEED Plus film uses T-Grain Emulsion technology similar to that used in the manufacture of the light-sensitive indirect exposure Kodak T-Mat film. This study compared the sensitometric properties of Ultra-speed, Ektaspeed, and EKTASEED Plus dental films. EKTASPEED Plus film was faster than Ektaspeed film at all film densities. Ektaspeed film became slower at higher densities and around a density of 1.9 became even slower than the Ultra-speed film. EKTASPEED Plus film had high inherent contrast and narrow exposure latitude similar to that of Ultra-speed film, whereas Ektaspeed film had low inherent contrast and wide exposure latitude. In conclusion, EKTASPEED Plus film had the advantages of the high contrast of Ultra-speed film and the high speed of Ektaspeed film. It maintained its high speed at high densities.

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