
The purpose of this study was to determine the most frequent food and inhalant allergens leading to allergic sensitization in children in Van Province of Turkey. The study included 1052 serum samples with no diagnosis of allergy. The sera were tested with the Euroline Pediatric IgE test kit (EUROIMMUN, Germany). By using the EUROLineScan digital evaluation system, the intensity of bands was calculated with enzyme allergosorbent test classification. Out of the 1052 tested sera, 143 were found to be cross-reactive carbohydrate determinant-positive and were discarded from the study. Of the remaining 909 sera, 513 (56%) were from males and 296 (44%) were from females. Among the food allergens, specific IgE was most frequently found against codfish, potato, cow's milk, egg yolk, egg white, and rice, and among the inhalant allergens against cats, dogs, grass mix, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, and Aspergillus fumigatus, respectively. The finding of codfish being the most frequent allergen was related to the high consumption of trout in the region and endemicity of pearl mullet in Lake Van. The results obtained could contribute to determining the etiology of allergic diseases. Additionally, regular analysis of changes in allergen sensitization is important for prevention of allergic disease.

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