
The flow-diverting (FD) stent has become a commonly used endovascular device to treat cerebral aneurysms. This discourages blood from entering the aneurysm, thereby reducing the likelihood of aneurysm rupture. Using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the aneurysmal haemodynamics after FD treatment could help clinicians predict the stent effectiveness prior to the real procedure in the patient. As an alternative to modelling the stent as a fine wire mesh, modelling the FD stent as a porous medium was established to save computational time, and has also been proved capable of predicting the same haemodynamics as obtained using the real FD stent geometry. The flow resistance effect of a porous-medium stent may differ with respect to its morphology or permeability; however, the flow resistance effect after adjusting these parameters had not been clarified. In this study, we analysed the haemodynamic changes caused by alterations of porous-medium thickness and permeability, thereby providing future porous-medium stent simulations with important information on the respective parametric sensitivities. We found significant sensitivity to permeability. Results were insensitive to thickness when permeability was adjusted beforehand to compensate. We also compared our results with observations from an in-vitro model, and found good agreement. This supports adoption of porous-medium models in future work.

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