
Gauge theory/string theory holographic correspondence for ${\cal N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory is well under control in the planar limit, and for large (infinitely large) 't Hooft coupling, $\lambda\to \infty$. Certain aspects of the correspondence can be extended including ${\cal O}(\lambda^{-3/2})$ corrections. There are no reliable first principle computations of the ${\cal N}=4$ plasma non-equilibrium properties beyond the stated order. We show extreme sensitivity of the non-hydrodynamic spectra of holographic ${\cal N}=4$ SYM plasma to ${\cal O}(\lambda^{-3})$ corrections, challenging any conclusions reached from 'resummation' of ${\cal O}(\lambda^{-3/2})$ corrections.


  • AND SUMMARYThe most studied example of the holographic correspondence relating gauge theories and string theory is for the maximally supersymmetric SUðNÞ N 1⁄4 4 Yang-Mills theory (SYM) and type IIB string theory in AdS5 × S5 [1]

  • We show extreme sensitivity of the nonhydrodynamic spectra of holographic N 1⁄4 4 SUðNÞ N 1⁄4 Yang-Mills theory (SYM) plasma to Oðλ−3Þ corrections, challenging any conclusions reached from “resummation” of Oðλ−3=2Þ corrections

  • Thermal or nonequilibrium states of SYM plasma at strong coupling are under control in the planar limit, gYM → 0 N → ∞ with λ kept fixed, and for large ’t Hooft coupling λ ≫ 1

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Alex Buchel

Gauge theory/string theory holographic correspondence for N 1⁄4 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory is well under control in the planar limit, and for large (infinitely large) ’t Hooft coupling, λ → ∞. Certain aspects of the correspondence can be extended including Oðλ−3=2Þ corrections. There are no reliable first principle computations of the N 1⁄4 4 plasma nonequilibrium properties beyond the stated order. We show extreme sensitivity of the nonhydrodynamic spectra of holographic N 1⁄4 4 SYM plasma to Oðλ−3Þ corrections, challenging any conclusions reached from “resummation” of Oðλ−3=2Þ corrections

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