
AbstractIt has been hypothesized that initial conditions derived from eddy‐resolving ocean models could benefit eddy‐permitting forecast systems at subseasonal lead times (2 weeks to 2 months) by providing improved ocean initial conditions and reduced sea‐surface temperature (SST) errors associated with a more realistic representation of mesoscale features and ocean fronts such as the Gulf Stream. Here, we test this hypothesis by running a series of coupled 32‐day reforecasts with ocean initial conditions derived from native resolution (i.e., eddy‐permitting) and higher resolution (i.e., eddy‐resolving) ocean reanalyses. Initial conditions derived from the eddy‐resolving reanalysis reproduce observed temperature and sea‐level variability associated with mesoscale ocean eddies more accurately. Furthermore, forecasts of ocean variables are significantly improved in the extratropics, particularly in regions of observed intense mesoscale variability. This result is relevant for the marine forecasting community and demonstrates the potential for improved probabilistic forecasts of ocean variables in affordable ensemble forecast systems. However, the impacts on the mean state and forecast skill in the atmosphere are more limited. Based on an evaluation of model biases as a function of lead time, we conclude that there is room for further improvements to the initialization of the Gulf Stream that could lead to more significant impacts on atmospheric skill. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our reforecasts underestimate the strength of mesoscale air–sea interaction in the vicinity of strong SST fronts by 20–40%. We speculate that the impacts of improved ocean eddy initialization on atmospheric forecast skill may be larger in coupled models with higher ocean and atmosphere resolutions that can simulate air–sea interaction in the midlatitudes more realistically.

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