
1. We studied the effects of both acute and chronic exposure of Daphnia pulex to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa. We focused on the effects of Daphnia genotype and temperature (19 and 24 °C).2. The study revealed variation among ten Daphnia pulex clones in survivorship under acute Microcystis exposure, measured as EC50. An increase in temperature caused a clear decrease in EC50, although the ranking of clones according to sensitivity remained the same at both temperatures.3. In the chronic exposure of two of the clones, toxic Microcystis reduced survival and reproduction. The two clones differed in their responses, indicating different means of coping with toxic cyanobacteria. Toxic cyanobacteria reduced slightly more at 24 °C than 19 °C.4. The clonal difference in sensitivity to toxic cyanobacteria at acute exposure was reversed at chronic exposure. This indicates that the results from short‐term toxicity cannot be used to predict life history responses under sublethal exposure.

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