
This study aimed to establish the baseline sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea from Panax ginseng to prochloraz, and ensure the fitness of prochloraz-resistant mutants and the cross-resistance of B. cinerea to prochloraz and commonly used fungicides for the prevention and control of gray mold including boscalid, pyraclostrobin, iprodione, and pyrimethanil. The sensitivity of B. cinerea from P. ginseng to fungicides was determined by the mycelial growth rate method. The prochloraz-resistant mutants were screened out through fungicide domestication and ultraviolet(UV) induction. The fitness of resistant mutants was determined through the stability of subculture, mycelial growth rate, and pathogenicity test. The cross-resistance between prochloraz and the four fungicides was determined by Person correlation analysis. The results showed that all B. cinerea strains tested were sensitive to prochloraz, and the EC_(50) value ranged from 0.004 8 to 0.062 9 μg·mL~(-1), with an average of 0.022 μg·mL~(-1). The sensitivity frequency distribution diagram showed that 89 B. cinerea strains were located within the main peak with a continuous single peak curve, and the average EC_(50) value of 0.018 μg·mL~(-1) was taken as the baseline sensitivity of B. cinerea to prochloraz. The fungicide domestication and UV induction obtained 6 resistant mutants, among which 2 strains were unstable and the other 2 strains showed decreased resistance after multiple generations of culture. Furthermore, the mycelial growth rate and spore yield of all resistant mutants were lower than those of their parents, and the pathogenicity of most mutants was lower than that of their parents. In addition, prochloraz had no obvious cross-resistance with boscalid, pyraclostrobin, iprodione, and pyrimethanil. In conclusion, prochloraz has great potential for controlling gray mold in P. ginseng, and the resistance risk of B. cinerea to prochloraz is low.

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