
Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) has become an important limitation for fast MR imaging using the latest gradient hardware. We have recently developed a simulation framework to predict PNS thresholds and stimulation locations in the body for arbitrary coil geometries to inform the gradient coil optimization process. Our approach couples electromagnetic field simulations in realistic body models to a neurodynamic model of peripheral nerve fibers. In this work, we systematically analyze the impact of key parameters on the predicted PNS thresholds to assess the robustness of the simulation results. We analyze the sensitivity of the simulated thresholds to variations of the most important simulation parameters, including parameters of the electromagnetic field simulations (dielectric tissue properties, body model size, position, spatial resolution, and coil model discretization) and parameters of the neurodynamic simulation (length of the simulated nerves, position of the nerve model relative to the extracellular potential, temporal resolution of the nerve membrane dynamics). We found that for the investigated setup, the subject-dependent parameters (e.g. tissue properties or body size) can affect PNS prediction by up to ~26% when varied in a natural range. This is in accordance with the standard deviation of ~30% reported in human subject studies. Parameters related to numerical aspects can cause significant simulation errors (>30%), if not chosen cautiously. However, these perturbations can be controlled to yield errors below 5% for all investigated parameters without an excessive increase in computation time. Our sensitivity analysis shows that patient-specific parameter fluctuations yield PNS threshold variations similar to the variations observed in experimental PNS studies. This may become useful to estimate population-average PNS thresholds and understand their standard deviation. Our analysis indicates that the simulated PNS thresholds are numerically robust, which is important for ranking different MRI gradient coil designs or assessing different PNS mitigation strategies.

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