
Madhya Pradesh is home to sizeable proportion of Socio Economically Disadvantaged population of India. Human Development Index of the state is 0.375 which depicts poor socioeconomic conditions. Infant Mortality Rates in some of the areas of the state have been compared to the Sub-Saharan countries as per the World Bank Report titled “India: Achievement and Challenges in Reducing Poverty” It depicts a challenging situation and calls for massive Educational Upliftment of the people working in rural and tribal areas. Government of India has sincerely prioritized these issues through successive five year plans, however the situation on the ground leaves a lot to be desired. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have placed renewed emphasis on the capacity building of these communities. India Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) which is the biggest role player of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in India has a mandate to bring such disadvantaged groups in to fold of Higher Education. However it has been a challenging job from several points of views as most of the target groups requiring immediate attention are too vulnerable, poorly capacitated to adopt new practices and nearly cut off from the urban centred educational facilities. The areas inhabiting such communities have low penetration of Newspapers, TV or Radios and ODL systems with their paradigmatically different ways of teaching learning are yet to take roots in these areas. It has been a big challenge for IGNOU to reach out to such Disadvantaged Communities, sensitize them through suitable Confidence Building Measures and involve them in the ODL Programmes to strengthen their livelihoods. Despite various initiatives taken up by ministry and other institutions, there is a vacuum of information among the disadvantaged communities. It is now well realised and understood that capacity building systems for such target groups need to be radically different from “Business as Usual Approach”. Authors of this paper have the experience of working for the Promotion, Monitoring and Supervision of ODL programmes in these areas. During 2012-13 a series of “Out of Box Approaches” were initiated by the authors for sensitising these communities. Results have been overwhelming with sizeable participation of people from disadvantaged communities. This paper highlights such new participatory approaches to sensitise the communities and results of such interventions. The paper has been divided in to Four Parts. Part-I describes the socio economic conditions of these areas and the constraints by the people in accessing information. Part-II describes the Confidence Building Measures like “Khula Manch” [Open Interactive Sessions with Community] initiated by the IGNOU Regional Centre Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and the response of the communities for such interventions. Part-III describes the initiatives taken by the Regional Centre to sensitise Slum Dwellers in Bhopal. This section also highlights Academic Support Services extended to Slum Dwellers in Slum Areas and the results of such interventions. Part –IV describes the experiences of joint initiatives with “Village Panchayats” in rural areas of District –Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh and lastly Part-V describes overall Conclusions and Recommendations. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p538


  • The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system in India has gained prominence among the decision making circles due to its potential to address the perennial issues of Access, Quality, Cost & Equity in Indian Higher Educational System and past few decades have witnessed enormous growth and funding of such institutions

  • “Indira Gandhi National Open University, the National Resource Centre for Open and Distance Learning with international recognition and presence, shall provide seamless access to sustainable and learner-centric quality education, skill up gradation and training to all by using innovative technologies and methodologies and ensuring convergence of existing systems for massive human resource required for promoting integrated national development and global understanding”

  • Sensitizing the people about Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)’s activities has been a major challenge in those areas where Open and Distance Learning systems are not well established, we focused on rural teachers because they are in day to day contact with our prospective clientele and the rural students make their decisions based on the suggestions given by their teachers

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Need for New Approaches for Community Sensitisation

Another report [UN Solution Exchange Report-2009] which advocates for the deployment of Open and Distance Learning Systems to educate these communities is given on UN Solution Exchange [ICT for Development Community] report available on its web site at: http://www.solutionexchangeun.net.in/ictd/cr/cr-se-ictd-food-08070901.pdf. C) Our intervention of taking Village Panchayat members in to confidence has stimulated a great deal of interest in villages about our programmes.It strongly advocates for paradigmatically different approach of involving Grassroots Level Institutions in our sensitization drive. This factor was largely ignored in earlier interventions made by the University. The impact of our interventions has been sustainable and has given rise to spillover effect in rural areas

Part II
Confidence Building
Motivating new Learners
Identification of problems of existing learners
Results and Discussions
Interventions in Slum Areas of Bhopal
Conclusions And Recommendations
Full Text
Paper version not known

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