
The individual spins associated with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond can serve as exquisite nanoscale magnetic field sensors, enabling (among other things) the measurement of stray fields near YIG [1] and Py [2] films influenced by spin transfer torques. This presentation provides an overview of our latest efforts to (i) reliably fabricate high-quality Py/Pt nanowires on a single-crystal diamond substrate while maintaining the performance of NVs implanted 10's of nanometers below the surface, (ii) develop a Bayesian protocol for optimal estimation of NV spin relaxation, and (iii) estimate thermal time scales in these (and other) nanocircuits while calibrating the applied microwave current. Time permitting, I will also discuss preliminary measurements (microwave transport and NV magnetometry) of driven and thermally populated spin wave modes controlled by spin Hall torques.

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