
An impaired sense of smell is a common complaint in patients with nasal polyposis, and hyposmia is usually attributed to obstruction of the nasal airways. The duration of nasal polyposis and nasal surgery may also affect olfaction. It has been shown that aging and chronic rhinitis both impair olfaction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the sense of smell in patients who had had nasal polyposisfor at least 20 years. The olfactory threshold was assessed with a commercially available odor detection threshold test. The threshold of 19 (46%) of 41 patients was greater than the age-related upper 95% reference limit. In a forward stepwise multiple regression analysis of all the polyposis patients, the degree of opacity of ethmoidal sinuses seen in computed tomography (CT), polyposis visible in anterior rhinoscopy, total nasal resistance, and gender had a significant association with olfactory threshold.

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