
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the philosophical and legal basis of the emergence of Roman Law, to reveal its axiological elements, as well as to show the systemic connection between the theoretical justification of these principles and the process of their implementation in legal practice. Methodology. The methodology includes a complex philosophical and legal analysis of the axiological basis of the Roman law system in the process of its formation and historical evolution. Such methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, axiological, logical-semantic, functional, systemic-structural, comparative. Results: It was determined, that due to its moral and ethical nature, the system of Roman law acquired a supranational character, creating the proper foundation for the effective functioning of European legal systems. After all, thanks to the fundamental moral and ethical principles developed by Roman jurists, modern European legal systems have acquired an axiological determination, which is determined by a humanistic approach to the administration of justice. Scientific novelty. According to the results of the study, it was established that the fundamental moral and ethical principles of Roman Law exert a positive influence on modern concepts of legal understanding and law-making under the conditions of their proper transformation and adaptation to today's civilizational challenges. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in legislation and law- enforcement activities during the philosophical-legal justification of the need to humanize the legal system.

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