
Aim: This research aims to examine the forms and features of understanding and grasping urban space through the senses. In the study, unlike the eye-centred paradigm, it discusses the importance of understanding urban space, not only with the sense of sight, but also with other senses, and its importance in making sense of it. Method: Between January and September 2021, Kadıköy Yeldeğirmeni, Rıhtım Avenue, Karakolhane Street and İskele Street were experienced and sensory analysis of these experienced axes was made.The sensations felt were evaluated using graphical expression in the computer environment. During the sensory analysis, no instrument was used to measure the intensity of the sensations, and the experiencing body was taken as the basis. The scale showing the intensity of the sensations is subjective, and the interval regions in the diagrams are not a mathematical value, but the experienced area. Results: According to the sensory analysis, the sensations and dominant sensations on the three axes differ. The factors that create each sensation are also different. It was determined that sound, motion and visual sensations were dominant in İskele Street, sound sensation in Rıhtım Street, and sound and smell sensation in Karakolhane Street. In this study, in which the eye-centred paradigm was questioned, it was noted that urban space can be grasped with multi-sensational perception. Although visual sense is dominant today, urban experiences consist of the sum of sight, smell, sound, muscle-balance and touch senses. The fact that visuality comes to the fore in the representation of sensations also shows the need for new studies to be done.

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