
The capstone project, in most undergraduate engineering programs is the final phase of an academic career. It allows students to take knowledge acquired through the program and apply it to an innovative industry or research project. A well designed senior project affords the student the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and to model the behaviour, which are inherent in the education goals of the program. Most capstone projects focus on technical skills but soft skills oftentimes are not built into the experience. During the past three years we have observed that a significant amount of Sr. Design teams in our Electrical Engineering (EE) department do not complete the projects in a timely manner. We find that lack of technical knowledge is rarely the cause; more often the causes include lack of communication skills, lack of experience in organizing work in a team environment, and a bias towards focusing on the device level at the expense of having a clear, high level end-to-end view of the project. This paper describes our efforts to address these gaps through the incorporation of Systems Engineering disciplines into our undergraduate capstone course in EE and our results so far; thus, leading to more qualitative, competitive and successful projects.

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