
 Dramatic art as a medium for da'wah is a form of applying da'wah bil hal as is usually done in the
 Wali Songo strategy for spreading Islam. The Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, Purwosari
 Pasuruan, uses dramatic arts as education and a medium to convey d
 a'wah messages. This research
 was motivated by the design and delivery of a da'wah message through dramatic art which was
 quite interesting and relevant to the students of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School,
 Purwosari Pasuruan. Therefore, the aim of th
 is research is, first, to find out the design of dramatic
 art as a medium for preaching to the students of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School,
 Purwosari Pasuruan. Second, to describe the process of conveying da'wah messages through
 dramatic art as a me
 dium for da'wah to the students of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School,
 Purwosari Pasuruan. The research method in this scientific work, the author uses a qualitative
 research method with a case study type. Meanwhile, this type of research uses descript
 qualitative by conducting in
 depth observations and interviews with the research object. The
 design and implementation of this dramatic art is by quoting storylines or scripts from several
 books after recitation with Islamic boarding school caregivers
 and displayed at khitobah activities
 every Friday with Jamiyyah Farhaniyyah. Meanwhile, the targets of the da'wah for the dramatic
 Januari 2024
 arts performance activities are the students of the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School, Purwosari
 Pasuruan, who they usually
 call performing the Koran arts. The conclusion of this research is that
 the design for preparing dramatic arts is to recite the yellow book with Islamic boarding school
 teachers and then review the material from the book that has been studied into a drama
 script by
 holding a script review with the director and the players/actors. Meanwhile, the process of
 conveying da'wah messages through the art of drama applied by the students of the Wali Songo
 Islamic Boarding School is by conveying words of wisdom in bo
 oks that have been studied and
 discussed by emphasizing the elements of speech (vocals), expressions or facial expressions, as
 well as acting. and play a role.

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