
AbstractObjectivesThis study sought to (a) identify the factors most salient to parents when sending their child to summer camp, (b) examine family members' roles in the camp decision‐making process, and (c) compare both by income and other family contextual factors in a sample of parents with a child who enrolled and participated in a summer camp experience.MethodsSurvey data were collected from a total of 354 families that included families from high, middle, and lower incomes. Surveys collected data on parental developmental goals for their child, factors related to camp–child and camp–family fit, and the level of involvement of family members in the camp decision‐making process.ResultsThe study identified three core parental goals for sending their child to camp: interactive learning, intrapersonal development, and fun/belonging. The analysis also identified five essential considerations parents use to consider camp fit: logistics/cost, program quality, child fit, institutional ties, and social connections. One parent, primarily the mother, drives the decision to send a child to camp. Family income was significant predictor of all three developmental goals with parents from higher income families reporting lower levels of developmental goals than parents from lower income families. Income also predicted camp fit considerations related to logistics/cost, institutional ties, and social connections. Parents in the high‐income group reported lower levels of consideration for logistics/cost and institutional ties than parents in the low‐income group. Parents in the high‐income group reported higher levels of consideration for social connections.Conclusion and ImplicationsParents, regardless of income, want the best for their children when they go to summer camp. They want their kids to have fun, build social skills, and develop independence and other intrapersonal skills. However, parental decisions of where to send their child to camp and parental evaluations of camp–child and camp–family fit are more nuanced. Unsurprisingly, logistics and cost are major considerations for families with low incomes, and camps need to continue to find ways to reduce barriers for kids from low‐income homes to attend camp through outreach and scholarship programs.

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