
"Send love inna barrel"Mixed-media Installation, Kingston, Jamaica Kelley-Ann Lindo (bio) In this installation, which was showcased at the National Gallery of Jamaica in Kingston (Jamaica Biennial 2017), I am investigating what is referred to as the "barrel children syndrome" within Caribbean culture. The term is used to describe children who have been "left behind" by one or both parents who have migrated. Transforming discarded used shipping barrels into both cultural and sculptural objects, the work stages interactive moments that express profound complexities, connections and distances all a part of an individual experience—an individual kind of point of view. The suspended barrels become channels through which these relationships and experiences can be re-enacted and reflected upon. It is activated by two people sitting speaking to each other from either end. The work attempts to raise questions about migration, Caribbean family structure, and the material relationship between experience, memory, story, and identity. It highlights everyday experiences often taken for granted, just as the materials are, to create a shared experience for the viewer—an inclusive individual experience. [End Page 56] Click for larger view View full resolution Figure 1. "Send love inna barrel" Installation 2017, National Gallery of Jamaica Photographer: Stephanie Channer Click for larger view View full resolution Figure 2. "Send love inna barrel"Installation 2017, National Gallery of Jamaica Photographer: Stephanie Channer [End Page 57] Click for larger view View full resolution Figure 3. Detail, "Send love inna barrel" 2016, Alice Yard Photographer: Nadia Huggins [End Page 58] Kelley-Ann Lindo Kelley-Ann Lindo, kelleyannlindo@gmail.com, has been educated at the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Art (B.F.A. in Painting, 2015). She has worked as a gallery assistant at the CAGE Gallery and as a curatorial assistant at the National Gallery of Jamaica, and she is currently a lecturer at the Edna Manley College of the Visual & Performing Arts and assistant visual arts coordinator at the Multicare Youth Foundation—all in Kingston, Jamaica. She has been artist-in-residence at Alice Yard, Port of Spain, Trinidad (2016), at NLS, Kingston, Jamaica (2017) and at Blaqmango Consultancy, Kingston, Jamaica (2018). Her work has also been exhibited at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society (Arrivants Exhibition, 2018), the National Gallery of Jamaica (Jamaica Biennial 2017), Edna Manley College of Visual and Performing Arts (Final Year exhibition, 2015), and the College's CAG[e] Gallery (2014). Lindo produces large, mixed media installations, but also works in drawing and print media and in video. Her website address is http://kelleyannlindo.wixsite.com/kelleyannlindo and her Instagram handle is @kelleyannlindo. Copyright © 2018 The University of Mississippi

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