
ABSTRAK Pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat adalah rangkaian kegiatan masyarakat yang dilaksanakan atas dasar gotong royong dan swadaya dalam rangka menolong diri sendiri dalam memecahkan masalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya di bidang kesehatan dan di bidang lain yang berkaitan agar mampu mencapai kehidupan sehat sejahtera. jumlah seluruh lansia usia ≥45 tahun yang ada di desa sukaraja yaitu sebanyak 2222 lansia yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan penyakit yang dialami lansia diperoleh hasil lansia yang memiliki penyakit sebanyak 601 lansia dengan persentase 27,0%, penyakit terbanyak yang diderita lansia yaitu hipertensi dan rematik, sebanyak 274 lansia menderita hipertensi dengan persentase 12,3% dan sebanyak 256 lansia menderita rematik dengan persentase 11,5%. Tujuan mampu melakukan kegiatan Senam Jantung Sehat untuk membantu warga masyarakat melakukan gerakan olahraga sehingga mengurangi resiko hipertensi. Metode Pembinaan Kader tentang senam Jantung Sehat oleh kader yang telah dibina diikuti Lansia dan masyarakat desa Sukaraja. Sasaran Kegiatan seluruh warga desa Sukaraja terutama dusun 1 dan dusun 4, Pria dan wanita rentan usia > 45 tahun. Hasil Mengevaluasi dan Memonitoring Kader Senam Jantung Sehat tentang manfaat dan gerakan Senam Jantung Sehat Kesimpulan Kader sudah mampu melakukan secara mandiri penyuluhan dan gerakan Senam Jantung Sehat di Desa Sukaraja. Kata Kunci Senam Jantung Sehat, Lansia, Kader ABSTRACT Community health development is a series of community activities carried out on the basis of mutual cooperation and self-help in order to help oneself in solving problems to meet their needs in the health sector and in other related fields in order to be able to achieve a healthy and prosperous life. The total number of elderly people aged ≥45 years in Sukaraja village is 2222 elderly people who are grouped based on diseases experienced by the elderly.The results obtained are 601 elderly people with a disease with a percentage of 27.0%, the most diseases suffered by the elderly are hypertension and rheumatism, as many as 274 elderly suffer from hypertension with a percentage of 12.3% and as many as 256 elderly suffer from rheumatism with a percentage of 11.5%. The goal is to be able to carry out Healthy Heart Gymnastics activities to help citizens carry out sports movements so as to reduce the risk of hypertension. Cadre Development Methods on Healthy Heart exercise by cadres who have been fostered, followed by the elderly and the community of Sukaraja village. Target Activities of all residents of Sukaraja village, especially hamlet 1 and hamlet 4, are vulnerable men and women aged> 45 years. Results of Evaluating and Monitoring of Healthy Heart Gymnastics Cadres about the benefits and movements of Healthy Heart Exercise Conclusion Cadres have been able to independently conduct counseling and Healthy Heart Gymnastics movement in Sukaraja Village. RACK Community health development is a series of community activities carried out on the basis of mutual cooperation and self-help in order to help oneself in solving problems to meet their needs in the health sector and in other related fields in order to be able to achieve a healthy and prosperous life. The total number of elderly people aged ≥45 years in Sukaraja village is 2222 elderly people who are grouped based on diseases experienced by the elderly.The results obtained are 601 elderly people with a disease with a percentage of 27.0%, the most diseases suffered by the elderly are hypertension and rheumatism, as many as 274 elderly suffer from hypertension with a percentage of 12.3% and as many as 256 elderly suffer from rheumatism with a percentage of 11.5%. The goal is to be able to carry out Healthy Heart Gymnastics activities to help citizens carry out sports movements so as to reduce the risk of hypertension. Cadre Development Methods on Healthy Heart exercise by cadres who have been fostered, followed by the elderly and the community of Sukaraja village. Target Activities of all residents of Sukaraja village, especially hamlet 1 and hamlet 4, are vulnerable men and women aged> 45 years. Results of Evaluating and Monitoring of Healthy Heart Gymnastics Cadres about the benefits and movements of Healthy Heart Exercise Conclusion Cadres have been able to independently conduct counseling and Healthy Heart Gymnastics movement in Sukaraja Village. Keywords: Healthy Heart Gymnastics, Elderly, Cadres

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