
In this paper, we propose a novel entropy minimization based semi-supervised method for semantic segmentation. Entropy minimization has proven to be an effective semi-supervised method for realizing the cluster assumption, where the decision boundary should lie in low-density regions. Inspired by the existing consistency training semi-supervised segmentation networks with encoder-decoder architecture, we found that there tend to be more large gradient values at the object edges than other positions in the feature map of the encoder, and therefore propose a feature gradient map regularization to enlarge inter-class distance in the feature space for low-entropy of segmentation prediction. Additionally, we introduce an adaptive sharpening scheme with aleatoric uncertainty, and a class consistency constraint regularization, to alleviate the interference of noise with pseudo labels. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC, PASCAL-Context, and Leukocyte datasets show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art semi-supervised semantic segmentation performance without almost additional calculations and network structures.

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