
ABSTRACT Improving Offensive and Hate Speech (OHS) classifiers’ performances requires a large, confidently labeled textual training dataset. Our study devises a semi-supervised classification approach with self-training to leverage the abundant social media content and develop a robust OHS classifier. The classifier is self-trained iteratively using the most confidently predicted labels obtained from an unlabeled Twitter corpus of 5 million tweets. Hence, we produce the largest supervised Arabic OHS dataset. To this end, we first select the best classifier to conduct the semi-supervised learning by assessing multiple heterogeneous pairs of text vectorization algorithms (such as N-Grams, World2Vec Skip-Gram, AraBert and DistilBert) and machine learning algorithms (such as SVM, CNN and BiLSTM). Then, based on the best text classifier, we perform six groups of experiments to demonstrate our approach’s feasibility and efficacy based on several self-training iterations.

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