
目的 针对人体组织器官及病灶区域的3维图像分割是计算机辅助医疗诊断的重要前提,是医学影像3维可视化的重要技术基础。深度学习方法在医学图像分割任务中的成功通常取决于大量有标注数据。半监督学习利用未标注数据容易获取的优点,在模型训练过程中使用少量标注数据和大量未标注数据进行学习,缓解了数据标注昂贵耗时的问题,在医学图像分割中受到了广泛关注。为更好地利用无标注数据,提升医学图像分割效果,提出一种新的一致性正则方法用于半监督3维医学图像分割。方法 模型以V-Net为基础架构,通过扩展网络结构,在均带有分割任务及回归任务属性的双任务主副解码器之间添加了用于正则化约束的交叉损失,构建了具有形状感知的基于双任务的交叉一致性正则网络SACC-Net (shape-aware cross-consistency regular network based on dual tasks),实现将数据层面和模型层面的扰动融合进多任务机制的一致性正则方法,使模型能够更好地利用未标注数据的有效先验信息,并且具有更好的泛化性能。结果 在MICCAI 2018(Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society)心房分割挑战赛公布的数据集中的3维左心房核磁共振成像上验证本文算法,在仅使用训练集中10%的有标注数据的实验组中,Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD(Hausdorff distance)距离和平均对称表面距离分别为88.01%、78.89%、8.19和2.09。在另一组仅使用20%的有标注数据的实验中Dice系数、Jaccard指数、HD距离和平均对称表面距离分别达到90.11%、82.11%、6.57和1.78。结论 本文提出的半监督分割模型性能显著,综合了数据、模型和任务层面的一致性正则约束,与其他半监督方法相比分割效果更好且具有更佳的泛化性能。;Objective Three-dimensional(3D)image segmentation of human tissues,organs and lesion areas is projected for computer-aided diagnosis and medical images-related 3D visualization. Thanks to the emerging deep learning technique,fully-supervised network models have been developing intensively in relevant to medical image segmentation tasks. However,it is challenged for a large amount of annotated data and 3D image segmentation data-labeled is costly and inefficient. Semi-supervised learning is focused on a small size of data-labeled and sufficient data-unlabeled in terms of easy acquisition of unlabeled data,which can alleviate the cost and time-consuming problem of data labeling. Our research is focused on new consistency regular method for semi-supervised 3D medical image segmentation model. To improve the medical image segmentation effect,our model can use unlabeled data through the fusion of different consistency methods. Method The network model is demonstrated on the V-Net,which can remove the residual structure of encoding and decoding. To get efficient features of unlabeled data,the proposed shape-aware cross-consistency regular network is introduced via the V-Net network structure extension on the basis of an encoder and two independent decoders-involved dual tasks (shape-aware cross-consistency regular network based on dual tasks(SACC-Net)),which are divided into a main decoder a and an auxiliary decoder b. The output of encoder-shared is transmitted to the two decoders after noise disturbance. At the same time,the two decoders can output the prediction results after each iteration. To increase the generalization and anti-noise ability of the model,it can minimize the difference between the two parts of the results during the training process. Additionally,the proportion of labeled samples in the training samples is extremely small because the feature distributions between the pre-processed medical image samples are relatively similar. To improve the learning ability of the model to segmented samples further,geometric prior information constraints are melted into the segmentation target. A shape-aware regression layer is added at the end of each decoder as well. During the training phase,each decoder can output two parts of the prediction results at the same time. That is,the total output of each iteration-after network consists of four parts. It can be used to decode the segmentation map SA and the signed distance map output by the decoder A,and the segmentation map SB and the signed distance map output by the decoder B through the dual-task consistency of each decoding part. To enhance the model’s ability and learn the effective features of segmentation targets to a greater extent, constraints and cross constraints can be used to realize a consistent regular method that combines data-level and modellevel disturbances with multi-task mechanisms,and make better use of unlabeled data. Result Our algorithm is validated on the MRI data set published in Atrium Segmentation Challenge held by MICCAI(Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society)in 2018. The experiment is divided into two test groups based on the amounts proportion of labeled data. In the training set,10% annotated data is used only in the experimental group,the Dice coefficient, Jaccard index,HD (Hausdorff distance) distance,and average symmetric surface distance is reached to 88. 01%, 78. 89%,8. 19,and 2. 09 of each. In the other group,20% annotated data of the experiments are used only. The median Dice coefficient,Jaccard index,HD distance and average symmetric surface distance can be reached to 90. 14%, 82. 11%,6. 57,and 1. 78 each as well. Furthermore,In respect of the shape perception method using the level set function for regression tasks,the Dice evaluation index can be improved by 0. 69 and 0. 60 in comparison with shape-aware semi-supervised net(SASS Net)in 10% and 20% of the marked training results. Each improvement is reached to 1. 44% and 0. 72% in terms of comparative results of dual-task consistency(DTC)trained with 10% and 20% labeled data. Conclusion The semi-supervised segmentation model(SACC-Net)is illustrated for the criteria optimization for both of the region and boundary-based segmentation,which can incorporate the level-consistency of its data,model and task. The constrained method has its potential segmentation effect and generalization performance for semi-supervised methods.

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