
Industrial process data have the characteristics of less label, multimode, high dimension, containing noise, and mixing with outliers, which increase the difficulty of mode identification and anomaly detection in process monitoring using limited labeled data. In this article, to address the effect of these adverse factors, a semi-supervised discriminative projective dictionary pair learning (SSDP-DPL) is proposed for industrial process monitoring. First, a semi-supervised dictionary pair learning framework with a class estimation regularization term is developed to address the problem of lacking labeled data. Based on unlabeled data and their reconstruction errors, the class estimation regularization term is designed to obtain a discriminative extended synthetical dictionary, mining the hidden discriminative information in unlabeled data and reducing the impact of incorrect class estimation. Second, a sparse constraint is added to the analytical dictionary to enhance the robustness of projective dictionary pair. Then, a class discriminative function term is designed to improve the discrimination of dictionary pair, which ensures the intraclass compactness and interclass separation of coding space. Finally, the synthetical dictionary, the analytical dictionary, and the control threshold are obtained by iterating the dictionary pair to a process monitoring model for anomaly detection and mode identification. The effectiveness of the proposed process monitoring method is verified by the continuous stirred tank heater process and Tennessee Eastman benchmark tests. The proposed method is then applied to a real-world aluminum electrolysis industrial process. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our SSDP-DPL in contrast to other existing methods.

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