
Series Foreword by Immanuel Wallerstein The Place of the Semiperiphery in the Modern World-System Introduction: The Challenge of the Semiperiphery by William G. Martin The Developmentalist Illusion: A Reconceptualization of the Semiperiphery by Giovanni Arrighi Semiperipheral Success Stories? Commodity Chains and Footwear Exports in the Semiperiphery by Gary Gereffi and Miguel Korzeniewicz State, Market and Agriculture in Pinochet's Chile by Walter Goldfrank Limits on a Semiperipheral Success Story? State Dependent Development and the Prospects for South Korean Democratization by David A. Smith and Su- Hoon Lee The Limits of Semiperipheral Development: Argentina in the Twentieth Century by Roberto P. Korzeniewicz Semiperiphery or Core? The Republic of Ireland in the World-Economy: An Exploration of Dynamics in the Semiperiphery by Richard Grant and Donald Lyons Periphery in the Center: Canada in the North American Economy by Jorge Niosi Ethnicity: Propelling or Checking Advance? The Contradictions of Semiperipheral Success: The Case of Israel by Beverly Silver Ethnic Divisions and State Centered Development: Malaysia and Nigeria Compared by Paul M. Lubeck and Donna Rae Palmer From NIC to NUC: South Africa's Semiperipheral Regimes by William G. Martin Bibliography Index

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