
The article is devoted to the semiotics of modern fashionspeak. The semiotic sign which creates image is studied in the article. The main idea is that forming and functioning of fashionspeak is based on linguistic theories. The author proves that fashionspeak holds symbolism having the capacity to express one’s unique style, identity, profession, social status, and gender or group affiliation.The author leads the idea that the connection between the text and fashion should be sought in the decoding of linguistic signs that creates differences between a male and a female fashion. The male fashionspeak is represented by using the words of the semantic field “strength” while the semantic field of female fashionspeak is “beauty”. Hence, men’s image is verbalized by the Nouns “strength”, “power”, “confidence”, “reliability” etc. while women’s image is verbalized by “pretty”, “beautiful”, “attractive”, “awesome”, “lovely”, “gorgeous”, “glamorous”, “sexy”, “chic”, etc.The author emphasizes that DRESS CODE concept does not include only “clothes” but also some external attributes of culture such accessories, perfumes, lifestyle, hairstyles, and so on. The axiological meaning in men’s and women’s DRESS CODE can easily increase an individual’s self-significance by portraying the desirable values in accordance with their lifestyle. Therefore, the author believes that semiotics of clothes can be intentionally created.Consideration is given to the international character of fashionspeak because of many international words (jeans, pullover, jumper, Dior, Prado, Versace) and the wide use of non-verbal means of communication.

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