
Study objectives are dedicated to brief synthesized establishment of diagnostics general standard, management and therapy of major depressive disorders (MDD) in clinical medicine to provide education in medical practice.Study methods are based on short-term, medium-term and long-term educational programs in 24 Russian and Ukraine cities, which were based on original educational programs under the direction of World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and International Committee For Prevention and Treatment of Depression (PTD). There, about 1450 doctors of different occupations were acquainted with the detection, management and treatment of MDD. The Russian version of WPA/PTD programs was created. The program of education included 4 modules. The Core module included an overview of the epidemiology, impact, concepts and classification, and etiology of depressive disorders as well as their recognition, diagnosis, and management in the primary care setting. The second module focused on depressive disorders in physical illness and covered those major illnesses for which is reasonable evidence for an association with depressive disorders. The third module included the development of the depressive disorders in older persons. The forth module included training physicians in mental health skills. 39 theme improvements for 858 primary care setting physicians within the framework of faculty training program of physicians’ development were the part of other programs of physicians’ occupations.Results. A number of highlights were included in the general algorithm of the educational programs. The creation of optimum «physician-depressive patient» contact demands a number of new skills to establish effective communication. These skills involve training of meeting of depressive patient and physician, the ability to follow a certain communication style; identify emotional, cognitive, psychomotor and nonverbal patterns of behavior. Besides that, the education included adherence to therapy and therapeutic alliance during the period of informed agreement. There was an education of fluent grasp of medicaments, which are the first choice in therapy. Integration of this knowledge is done during the periods of repeated interactive discussions of antidepressants’ effectiveness in depression therapy which is based on three-phased MDD therapy model. The process of working out the depressive patients’ management was based on systematization and diagnostic of depression disorders (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, or International Classification of Diseases, Revision 10); detailed discussions of manifestation and thorough depression symptomatology; management approaches in depression disorders, different in manifestation.Conclusion. The basis of physicians' education was the idea that depressive disorder in holistic approach can't be considered as an independent psychiatric disease in its mild and moderate forms of manifestation. Depression, along with coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity and fatness should be considered by clinical medicine within one cluster of noninfectious multifactorial chronic diseases.


  • Study methods are based on short-term, medium-term and long-term educational programs in 24 Russian and Ukraine cities, which were based on original educational programs under the direction of World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and International Committee For Prevention and Treatment of Depression (PTD)

  • The Core module included an overview of the epidemiology, impact, concepts and classification, and etiology of depressive disorders as well as their recognition, diagnosis, and management in the primary care setting

  • A number of highlights were included in the general algorithm of the educational programs

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Плохой аппетит или переедание

Диагностика: оценка суицидального риска «Думаете ли вы о смерти?» «Приходили ли когда-либо вам в голову мысли о том, что жить не стоит?» «Думаете ли вы, что вам было бы лучше не жить?» «Думаете ли вы о том, чтобы нанести себе повреждение?» «У вас есть план?» «Что помогает вам не сделать этого?» Приведенная последовательность клинического интервью при хорошем навыке врача и установленном контакте с пациентом дает достаточно информации для диагностики ДР. Угнетенность или снижение интереса и удовольствия от деятельности влияли на повседневную жизнь?. Чувствовали ли вы когда-либо состояние с подъемом настроения, во время которого ваши родственники или друзья были обеспокоены вашими чрезмерно повышенными настроением, активностью и энергией, неутомимостью, нехарактерными для вас?.

Мелатонинергический антидепрессант
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