
This article is entitled Semiotic Analysis of Tortor Hoda Hoda on Sibandang Island. This research aims to describe the symbols in the Tortor Hoda Hoda movement, describe the function of the symbols in the Tortor Hoda Hoda movement, describe the value of the symbols in the Tortor Hoda Hoda movement. The theory used in analyzing data is the semiotic theory put forward by Charles Sanders Peirce. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. In this research, the results of 4 symbols for the tortor hoda hoda movement were found, including the tortor at first, tortor somba, tortor manerser and factoring. Furthermore, there are 4 symbol functions of the tortor hoda hoda movement, including the initial tortor function, the somba tortor function, the manerser tortor function, and the factoring function. The meaning contained in tortor hoda hoda is the meaning contained in the movements of tortor initially, tortor somba, tortor manerser, and factoring. Keywords: tortor hoda hoda, Toba Batak ethnicity, semiotics.

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