
The article considers some aspects of the cultural life in the realities of the Kazakhstani society through the prism of the semiotic theory of Umberto Eco, the Italian philosopher and writer, the founder of the first department of semiotics in Europe. According to him, all the cultural values obey the laws of semiotics and should be studied from the semiotic point of view, based on the conventionally established codes. It deals on the reconsidering of the basic cultural codes, the issue of the ideology and of a principally new conduct of behavior as the mixture of nations, languages and cultures causes the problem of spiritual state of the nation and its identity. In the frames of the national program “Course towards the future: modernization of public conscionsness” national traditions and culture should be rediscovered and revived in order not to dissolve in this huge world. The authors discuss the importance of educating the young generation spiritually rich and strong, knowing their own roots and an indispensable tool in this regard is presented by semiotics widely used today in cultural studies, accepting everything as a sign, teaching how to interpret the information hidden behind it correctly.

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