
A nucleon-nucleus optical model potential (OMP) is built from the nuclear matter (NM) approach of Jeukenne, Lejeune, and Mahaux (JLM). The imaginary component of the on-shell NM mass operator, originally parametrized by these authors as a function of matter density and energy, is given a new representation suitable for energies from 1 to 200 MeV. The JLM model extended in this manner is then applied through an improved local density approximation (LDA) to treat nucleon scattering from closed- and near closed-shell nuclei with masses $40<~A<~209$. For proton, neutron, and charge radial densities, we use those obtained from Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations based on the finite range, density dependent Gogny force. Several LDA and spin-orbit potential prescriptions are tested to select those which provide the best overall description of elastic scattering and reaction measurements. Over three hundred datasets including differential cross sections, analyzing powers, spin rotation functions, and reaction cross sections are considered in the present analyses. The OMP components include normalization factors which are optimized for each incident energy, probe, and for most target nuclei. We give close forms which represent the energy variation of these factors for the $n+X$ and $p+X$ systems. The global OMPs built in this manner produce a good overall description of the neutron and proton scattering and reaction measurements available up to 200 MeV.

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