
An element a of a semigroup S is a left magnifier if λa, the inner left translation associated with a, is surjective and is not injective (E. S. Ljapin [11]). When this happens there exists a proper subset M of S such that the restriction to M of λa is bijective. In that case M is said to be a minimal subset for the left magnifier a (F. Migliorini [13], [14], [15]). Remark that if S is a semigroup having left identities then every left magnifier of S admits minimal subsets which are right ideals. Characterisations for semigroups with left magnifiers which also contain left identities have been given by E. S. Ljapin and R. Desq, using the bicyclic monoid. The general problem, precisely to give a characterization of semigroups having left magnifiers, is still open.

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