
Let $X$ be a complex Banach space and $A:\,D(A) \to X$ a quasi-$m$-sectorial operator in $X$. This paper is concerned with the identification of diffusion coefficients $\nu > 0$ in the initial-value problem: \[ (d/dt)u(t) + {\nu}Au(t) = 0, \quad t \in (0,T), \quad u(0) = x \in X, \] with additional condition $\|u(T)\| = \rho$, where $\rho >0$ is known. Except for the additional condition, the solution to the initial-value problem is given by $u(t) := e^{-t\,{\nu}A} x \in C([0,T];X) \cap C^{1}((0,T];X)$. Therefore, the identification of $\nu$ is reduced to solving the equation $\|e^{-{\nu}TA}x\| = \rho$. It will be shown that the unique root $\nu = \nu(x,\rho)$ depends on $(x,\rho)$ locally Lipschitz continuously if the datum $(x,\rho)$ fulfills the restriction $\|x\|> \rho$. This extends those results in Mola [6](2011).

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