
Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly trained in clusters with non-dedicated workers possessing heterogeneous resources. In such scenarios, model training efficiency can be negatively affected by stragglers -- workers that run much slower than others. Efficient model training requires eliminating such stragglers, yet for modern ML workloads, existing load balancing strategies are inefficient and even infeasible. In this paper, we propose a novel strategy called semi-dynamic load balancing to eliminate stragglers of distributed ML workloads. The key insight is that ML workers shall be load-balanced at iteration boundaries, being non-intrusive to intra-iteration execution. We develop LB-BSP based on such an insight, which is an integrated worker coordination mechanism that adapts workers' load to their instantaneous processing capabilities by right-sizing the sample batches at the synchronization barriers. We have custom-designed the batch sizing algorithm respectively for CPU and GPU clusters based on their own characteristics. LB-BSP has been implemented as a Python module for ML frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. Our EC2 deployment confirms that LB-BSP is practical, effective and light-weight, and is able to accelerating distributed training by up to $54\%$.

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