
AbstractWe prove that a Hamiltonianp∈C∞(T*Rn) is locally integrable near a non-degenerate critical point ρ0of the energy, provided that the fundamental matrix at ρ0has rationally independent eigenvalues, none purely imaginary. This is done by using Birkhoff normal forms, which turn out to be convergent in theC∞sense. We also give versions of the Lewis-Sternberg normal form near a hyperbolic fixed point of a canonical transformation. Then we investigate the complex case, showing that whenpis holomorphic near ρ0∈T*Cn, then Repbecomes integrable in the complex domain for real times, while the Birkhoff series and the Birkhoff transforms may not converge,i.e., pmay not be integrable. These normal forms also hold in the semi-classical frame.

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