
We consider a semiclassical (large string tension ~ \lambda^1/2) limit of 4-point correlator of two "heavy" vertex operators with large quantum numbers and two "light" operators. It can be written in a factorized form as a product of two 3-point functions, each given by the integrated "light" vertex operator on the classical string solution determined by the "heavy" operators. We check consistency of this factorization in the case of a correlator with two dilatons as "light" operators. We study in detail the example when all 4 operators are chiral primary scalars, two of which carry large charge J of order of string tension. In the large J limit this correlator is nearly extremal. Its semiclassical expression is, indeed, found to be consistent with the general protected form expected for an extremal correlator. We demonstrate explicitly that our semiclassical result matches the large J limit of the known free N=4 SYM correlator for 4 chiral primary operators with charges J,-J,2,-2; we also compare it with an existing supergravity expression. As an example of a 4-point function with two non-BPS "heavy" operators, we consider the case when the latter are representing folded spinning with large AdS spin and two "light" states being chiral primary scalars.

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