
For hydrogenlike atoms, it is shown on the basis of Kramers's semiclassical formula for the oscillator strength that the mean lifetime of an excited state with a principal quantum number $n$ behaves with respect to $n$ as $\frac{{n}^{5}}{\mathrm{ln}n}$. In comparison with the exact calculations, it is shown that the $\frac{{n}^{5}}{\mathrm{ln}n}$ law provides a better and more accurate scaling law than the commonly used empirical ${n}^{4.5}$ scaling law. It is shown that the lifetime of an excited state $T(n,l)$, where $l$ is the angular momentum quantum number, increases for large $l$ as ${l}^{2}$. Previously, no law existed for the relationship between the lifetime and angular momentum. By writing $T(n,l)={c}_{\mathrm{nl}}{(\ensuremath{\mu}{Z}^{4})}^{\ensuremath{-}1}{n}^{3}{l}^{2}$, where $\ensuremath{\mu}$ and $Z$ are the atomic reduced mass and effective charge acting on the running electron, the coefficients ${c}_{\mathrm{nl}}$ for low and intermediate values of $n$ and $l$, and their asymptotic values for large $n$ and $l$, are tabulated. Within a factor of 2.35 the lifetime of any excited state, except the $l=0$ states, is given by the formula $0.847\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}10}{\ensuremath{\mu}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}{Z}^{\ensuremath{-}4}{n}^{3}{l}^{2}$ sec. Agreement is found with selected measured radiative lifetimes of excited helium and alkali-metal atoms. The spread in the experimental data is too large to allow deduction of a systematic deviation from the hydrogenic lifetimes.

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