
We study the excitation spectrum of a family of transverse-field spin chain models with variable interaction range and arbitrary spin $S$, which in the case of $S=1/2$ interpolates between the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick and the Ising model. For any finite number $N$ of spins, a semiclassical energy manifold is derived in the large-$S$ limit employing bosonization methods, and its geometry is shown to determine not only the leading-order term but also the higher-order quantum fluctuations. Based on a multi-configurational mean-field ansatz, we obtain the semiclassical backbone of the quantum spectrum through the extremal points of a series of one-dimensional energy landscapes -- each one exhibiting a bifurcation when the external magnetic field drops below a threshold value. The obtained spectra become exact in the limit of vanishing or very strong external, transverse magnetic fields. Further analysis of the higher-order corrections in $1/\sqrt{2S}$ enables us to analytically study the dispersion relations of spin-wave excitations around the semiclassical energy levels. Within the same model, we are able to investigate quantum bifurcations, which occur in the semiclassical ($S\gg 1$) limit, and quantum phase transitions, which are observed in the thermodynamic ($N\rightarrow\infty$) limit.

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