
Semiclassical dynamics of magnetic vortices in 2D lattice models of easy-plane ferromagnets is investigated. It is shown that the low-energy part of the spectrum of vortices treated as quantum excitations of the system exhibits a nontrivial structure. The simplest spectrum is observed for standard magnetic vortices, in which magnetization at long distances from the center of a vortex is parallel to the basal plane. In this case, the spectrum has a band structure consisting of several nonintersecting bands, whose number is determined only by the value of atomic spin S and lattice symmetry. For purely 2D magnets with a single spin per unit cell, the number of bands is S or 2 S for integral and half-integral values of spin S , respectively. For a lattice with the basis with an even number 2 n of spins per unit cell, the number of bands is 2 nS for any spins. The situation radically changes for vortices in the cone state as compared to standard vortices, for which the magnetization at a long distance from the center of a vortex rotates in the easy plane of the magnet. Vortices in the cone state are formed under the action of a constant external field perpendicular to the easy plane of the magnet. As a rule, the spec- trum for such vortices is not a standard band spectrum and forms a set such that a forbidden energy value can be found in any small neighborhood of an allowed value, and vice versa. The possibility of an oscillatory motion of a vortex under the action of a constant external force is indicated (analog of Bloch oscillations of electrons in crystals). Possible realization of these effects in other ordered media with vortices is considered.

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