
A semiclassical procedure previously used for collinear CID calculations is applied to the perpendicular collisions (2D, no rotation, zero impact parameter) of a Morse homonuclear diatomic molecule and an atom, interacting via an exponential repulsive potential. Values of the dissociation probability (Pdiss) are given as a function of total energy (Et) and initial vibrational state (n1=0,1,3,5) for a system with three identical masses. The results are compared with the Pdiss previously reported for an identical one dimensional system. We find: (a) quasiclassical Pdiss that are a good approximation to the semiclassical ones, if CID is classically allowed, (b) vibrational enhancement of CID, and (c) energetic thresholds for dissociation similar to the ones found in the collinear case.

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