
Abstract In this paper we discuss the existence of quantum D-brane states in the strong gravitational field and in the presence of a constant Kalb-Ramond field. A semiclassical string quantization method in which the spacetime metric g AB and the constant antisymmetric Kalb-Ramond field b AB are treated exactly is employed. In this framework, the semiclassical D-branes are defined at the first order perturbation around the trajectory of the center-of-mass of a string. The set of equations the semiclassical D-branes must satisfy in a general strong gravitational field are given. These equations are solved in the AdS background where it is shown that a D-brane coherent state exists if the operators that project the string fields onto the corresponding Neumann and Dirichlet directions satisfy a set of algebraic constraints. A second set of equations that should be satisfied by the projectors in order that the semiclassical state be compatible with the global structure of the D-brane are derived in the particle limit of a string in the torsionless AdS background.

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